Summary of Responsibilities

The Board of Selectmen is the community's principal elected executive board. In its capacity as the executive officers for the Town of Holderness, the Board of Selectmen has the power to do the following:

  • Determine the Town Meeting Warrant – Calls town elections and meetings and publishes the warrants for them, establishes the dates, time and place and in general organizes matters up to the point that the moderator calls the meeting to order. Holderness has an annual Town Meeting (legislative body) each March and the Board is responsible for carrying out Town Meeting authorizations as voted by our citizens.
  • Employ the Town Counsel – Appoints the Town Attorney and directs all legal affairs of the town.
  • Make Appointments to Town Boards and Committees by soliciting volunteers from the community.
  • Sign Warrants for the payment of all town bills – The Treasurer may not issue a check unless a majority of the Board signs a warrant of authorization.
  • Grant Licenses and Permits – Acts as the local licensing authority with the ability to issue licenses and permits for special events, hawkers and peddlers, junk dealers, etc.
  • Employ a Professional Administrative Officer who carries out the policies of the Board of Selectmen. Michael Capone is currently Holderness' Town Administrator.

The Board of Selectmen acts as a collective decision-making body. One Selectmen cannot make binding decisions – it requires a majority vote of the Board. An individual member of the board may act independently only if specifically authorized by the Board.

The Holderness Board of Selectmen meets at the Town Hall, 1089 US Rte 3, every other Monday evening at 5:00pm. The Board's meetings are open to the public.